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Conference „Digital Construction 2019. Vilnius“
2019 March 27

Lithuanian public institution “Skaitmeninė Statyba” (“Digital Construction“), together with Lithuanian Construction Association  is organising an international conference „Digital Construction 2019. Vilnius“ to discuss the possibilities and challenges within developments of digital construction and Building Information Modelling (BIM). Focus of „Digital Construction 2019. Vilnius“ – Digital transformatin of cieties.

“Digital Construction 2019. Vilnius”.

Date: April 26, 2019

Place: Hall 5.1, Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO, Laisvės av. 5, Vilnius, Lithuania.

The conference will be a part of International Exhibition of Construction and Renovation “RESTA“.

More information, ticekts and registraction – https://skaitmeninestatyba2019.lt/in-english-2/

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